Set Sail for Success with
Sail&Learn Summer School 2024
Sail&Learn isn‘t your typical summer school. It’s an immersive journey for international students, blending cultural exploration of Croatia’s coastline with top-notch business education. Sharpen your skills, broaden your horizons, and conquer the waves – all in one unforgettable summer experience.
The summer school Sail&Learn offers a unique cultural and educational experience for international students. The summer school program is organised as a boot camp with innovative models and team work.
Throughout the 7-day program, participants visit a number of cultural and historical sights on the islands that help them develop a sense of local culture and gain understanding on how lives on the islands are intertwined. Besides that, students analyse examples of innovative tourist services and products which helps them develop their own ideas within the program itself. The additional workshops on Sustainable Tourisam and Industry 4.0 will help participants in developing their digital and leadership skills.
During the Sail and Learn program, students are situated on sailboats. Thematic workshops require practicing communication skills in international teams with the goal to improve team dynamics. Living arrangements on the boat throughout the program are a part of the adaptation skills training that includes challenges and tasks aimed at increasing team cohesion and developing an understanding of various leadership styles and working cultures in highly diverse teams.
(the program is subject to change)
Sail & Learn
The Sustainable Tourisam and Industry 4.0 Sail &Learn Summer School is an intensive boot camp, organized by PAR University of Applied Science, a member of the European Alliance of Dual Studies Universities (EU4Dual).
PAR aims to increase the entrepreneurial mindset of students while providing them with new entrepreneurial and team competences, sustainability lenses and tools, international insights, and industry perspectives.
Students engage within intercultural teams and are guided towards understanding of intersections between entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability in international and technological contexts.
Interdisciplinary international students are teamed with Croatian student-entrepreneurs to bring new perspectives, practice problem solving and product-market analysis. The aim is to apply innovative thinking in support of sustainability within diverse economic and political landscapes. A blend of lectures, teamwork sprints, social activities, and industry inputs will provide a full and varied program.
Networking and intercultural exchange is a key motivation for students. After successful completion of the program, participants receive a certificate worth 5 ECTS.
Learning outcomes:
After the program participants will be able to:
- Understand the basic landscape of entrepreneurship, the role of innovation, and their intersection with sustainability in island contexts.
- Understand and apply concept experimentation and iterative development
- Analyse problems-perspectives and propose valuable business solutions
- Understand the concepts of digital transformation and intellectual property rights
- Explore and understand customers and markets
- Apply their intercultural and interdisciplinary experience
- Apply industry 4.0 and technology perspectives, in the age of sustainability
- Sustainability tools, concepts and theories
- Problem, solution, and market analysis
- Cultural and socioeconomic contexts of sustainability
- Pitching and persuasion skills
- Finance and fundraising island projects
- Networking for entrepreneurs, related to fundraising
- AI, robotics and other industry 4.0 technologies
- Excursions on 4 Croatian Island : Krk, Rab, Lošinj and Pag
Teaching and learning methods:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Student group work
- Student presentations
- Real-time explorations
Time and place
This one-week intensive boot camp will take place at and around North Adriatic Croatian cost between July 20-27 2024. The course hours are every day from 10 am to 6 pm*. During the evenings, in addition to their social activities, students may continue completing their team assignments. Some excursions may also last longer than initially planned.
*time table may change depending on weather conditions
Forms of assessment
Oral presentation 50%, team essay 25%, self-reflection 25%
General requirements : Bachelor student or Master Student with B1/B2 English level; youth professionals and entrepreneurs.
How to apply
Deadline extended to 10 July! Please send your application to
or through the online application form below.
- Once the application deadline has passed, there will be a selection process and you will be notified by July 1st.
- Regular: 1790,00 EUR (Single cabins are available for an additional fee of 300 EUR.)
- PAR students / entrepreneurs : FREE
Please contact us for an adjusted quote in case of booking for groups of 5 or more students.
Refreshments and a lunch are provided during the program.
Maximum number of students
- The maximum number of students is 20.
Deadline for application : 10th July 2024
Trg Riječke rezolucije 4
51000 Rijeka,
Tel.: +385 (0)51 327-037, +385 (0)51 327-322
Faks: + 385 (0)51 327-305
Trg Riječke rezolucije 4
51000 Rijeka,
Tel.: +385 (0)51 327-037, +385 (0)51 327-322
Faks: + 385 (0)51 327-305
Naziv projekta: Profesionalni redizajn web stranice Visoke poslovne škole PAR
Uzastopno s povećanjem broja korisnika interneta, povećava se broj osoba koji određenu informaciju, proizvod ili uslugu pretražuju na internetu. Najnovije istraživanje Eurostata ukazuje kako je najbrži rast postotka online kupaca u EU ustanovljen u dobnoj skupini od 16 do 24 te od 25 do 54 godine, koje ujedno čine i primarne kupce Visoke poslovne škole PAR. Putem projekta prije svega želi se da web stranica bude odraz temeljnih vrijednosti institucije koje su sadržane u Strategiji Visoke poslovne škole PAR. U okviru izrade profesionalne web stranice, prilagodit će se i njezin vizualni izgled i to na način koji omogućava uravnoteženi, estetski i grafički jedinstven dizajn web stranice, a koji će odgovarati „PAR“ brandu.
Cilj projekta je redizajnirati službenu web stranicu Visoke poslovne škole PAR te povezane domene i pod domene u svrhu privlačenja novih korisnika web stranice, boljeg pozicioniranja te podizanja konkurentnosti Visoke poslovne škole PAR u internetskom okruženju. Projekt planira rezultirati širenjem i jačanjem konkurentnosti Visoke poslove škole PAR kao vodeće obrazovne ustanove u internetskom okruženju, gdje će profesionalni redizajn web stranice u potpunosti održati njezin brand, misiju, viziju i temeljne vrijednosti kojima planira privući veći broj korisnika kao i kupaca obrazovnih usluga na nacionalnom i međunarodnom nivou.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 142.000,00 kuna.
Iznos sufinanciran od strane EU: 99.400,00 kuna
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 10.10.2018. – 09.10.2019.
Kontakt osobe za više informacija: Jadranka Andrić-Maravić, voditeljica projekata, ili na